Divorce affects everyone differently, but it can have the most devastating effects on the lives of children whose parents divorce. For this reason, Florida courts make resolving complex child support cases a priority and focus primarily on solutions that keep the child’s best interests at heart. This could mean ordering a father or mother to make child support payments so the children have their needs met.
The child support agreement is frequently a contentious part of a Florida divorce, but parents have the option of resolving these issues through mediation. A child support attorney can help you and your ex-spouse reach a child support agreement without court interference, allowing you to keep control over who pays what amount. A lawyer can also assist with child support enforcement if your spouse is not keeping up with their payments. Additionally, you can reach out to a child support attorney for help getting a reduction or other modification in your child support case due to major life changes.
If you are a custodial parent seeking child support or a non-custodial parent needing help getting a fair child support agreement, you can contact our skilled legal team. We offer a free consultation so you can speak with our talented attorneys at no risk. Call now to schedule your free case review at 863-622-9602.
How Are Child Support Decisions Made in Florida?
Florida law permits couples to reach child support decisions in a variety of ways. The divorcing parents may reach an informal child support agreement through mediation, or if they cannot come to a voluntary child support agreement, they may seek a legally binding court order from a family law judge.
Mediation is the preferred method of resolving issues in divorce for several reasons. Some of the benefits of resolving child support issues and other matters include:
- The couple keeps control over the solutions rather than handing the matter over to a judge.
- Mediation saves time when compared to a lengthy legal battle.
- Mediation costs less than going to family court.
- Many families experience greater feelings of satisfaction and avoid grudges when they find agreements together through mediation.
Please note that in cases of domestic violence, a judge may not permit the couple to attempt mediation. Call our attorneys for help getting your issues resolved through the mediation process.
Court Ordered Child Support
If you and your ex cannot agree on the child support issue, a judge may review your case and give a permanent court order. The judge’s decision will be in favor of the child’s best interest and will be legally binding. Call a child support lawyer immediately if you find yourself facing a court battle with your divorcing spouse. Your attorney can collect evidence to help you get a fair ruling and be a strong ally in your corner.
What Factors Influence the Child Support Order?
Some factors that may affect the judge’s permanent child support order include:
- Each parent’s income, including social security, retirement funds, and other income
- Whether you are the custodial or non-custodial parent
- Cost of child care, such as daycare expenses
- Medical expenses for each child
- Amount of time the child spends with each parent
- Work benefits, such as health insurance
- And other factors
Individuals in a high-income divorce often have a great deal to lose when it comes to child support agreements. However, this matter is essential no matter your financial background. You deserve to have a comfortable life and to protect your hard-earned wealth. Contact our legal team today for help negotiating fair child support terms.
Should You Hire Our Child Support Attorneys?
When it is time to fight for your basic child support obligation, you need lawyers on your side who understand your rights under Florida law and are willing to fight for you. Our legal team can help with calculating child support and negotiating fair terms according to your legal rights. We can help you petition for a change in your child support payments if you need to modify the terms due to remarriage or loss of your job.
Don’t go it alone or use inexperienced lawyers when the stakes are so high. Protect yourself and your family by contacting our family law firm today at 863-334-3270.