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When Does Alimony Terminate in Florida?

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What to Know About Alimony

Alimony, or spousal support, refers to payments one spouse makes to another following a divorce. Like child support, spousal support protects a spouse from an uncertain financial future when they are unprepared or unable to provide for themselves. Depending on your situation, alimony could be temporary or permanent.

When you are going through a divorce, you deserve to have your financial needs met. This includes spouses who need support and those who work hard for their income. An experienced divorce lawyer like those at our law firm can help ensure your rights are protected as you go through your divorce proceedings. Your attorney can help negotiate terms that match your unique needs and allow you to enjoy the life you deserve.

At our law firm, we represent each client with dedication and honesty. We will leverage our decades of experience to negotiate an alimony agreement that meets your needs. We also offer bilingual services, all at a low cost, which makes our excellent legal services attainable and affordable. Call now to schedule your free consultation at 863-622-9602.

How Are Alimony Decisions Made in Florida?

Resolving spousal maintenance issues is one of the most contentious points of many divorces in Florida. This is especially true in high-income separations, where one or both spouses have a great deal to lose. Whatever your financial background, you have a legal right to enjoy the same level of comfort following your divorce that you experienced during your marriage.

Some items that may be considered when handling the alimony decision include:

  • How long you were married
  • Which spouse has primary custody of the children
  • Whether you were a victim of domestic abuse
  • Your level of education
  • Your work experience
  • Your and your spouse’s income levels
  • Whether you or your spouse spent a significant amount of marital money on an adulterous relationship
  • Whether you or your spouse has remarried

Couples may resolve the matter of alimony through mediation, using skilled mediators who help parties find a solution that meets each person’s needs. Our attorneys can represent you during the mediation process to give you greater control over the results of your divorce.

If you and your spouse fail to reach an agreement through mediation, the spousal support decision will go before a judge in Florida family court. Reach out to our legal team right away if you need legal counsel and representation in a contested divorce that will be handled by a judge. We can provide evidence that gets you a favorable ruling and provides you with a brighter future.

How Long Does Alimony Last?

The length of the alimony payments depends on several factors. For example, if you or your spouse has a physical or mental impairment that prevents you from obtaining gainful employment, you may be eligible for permanent alimony. On the other hand, if you are able to get an education and find employment, you may only need temporary spousal support payments.

There are different kinds of alimony according to each family’s unique needs, including:

  • Suit Alimony – This form of alimony only lasts during the divorce proceedings and must be replaced by another prescribed version of alimony according to a judge’s final order.
  • Bridge-the-Gap Alimony – In Florida, bridge-the-gap alimony lasts no more than two years and is seen as a short-term support to help the spouse get on their feet.
  • Durational Alimony – Durational alimony lasts a set period of time based on the unique needs of that couple.
  • Rehabilitative Alimony – This type of alimony gives the spouse time to get an education or skills to provide for themselves.
  • Permanent Alimony – This alimony is used for a spouse with a medical or mental condition that makes it impossible for them to earn the income that matches their standard of living enjoyed during marriage.

Do I Need an Attorney to Get a Favorable Alimony Agreement?

Alimony laws in Florida are complex, and this issue usually results in contention during a divorce. Hiring the right lawyer can ensure your rights are protected during divorce proceedings, especially regarding alimony payments. Your lawyer will help you navigate mediation to minimize the cost and stress associated with your divorce, avoiding the courts as much as possible.

A knowledgeable alimony attorney can help identify which type of alimony is appropriate for your situation and negotiate fair terms that provide you with the support and protection you need. If your case requires litigation, an attorney is an ideal ally to gather evidence that shows you deserve fair treatment during your divorce case.

Should You Hire Our Alimony Attorneys?

At our law firm, we understand how frightening it can be to face an uncertain future following your divorce. Whether you are seeking spousal support or trying to protect your hard-earned wealth from unfair alimony payments, we can help. We have represented clients for decades and will use that knowledge and experience to get the results you’re looking for in your alimony agreement.

When you call our team of lawyers, you will be treated with respect and care. Our attorneys are dedicated to offering personalized counsel based on each client’s unique needs. We know that no case is exactly like any other, and we will work tirelessly to investigate every aspect of your alimony case to give you legal counsel that matches your needs and goals.

We can assist with every step of the divorce process, including child custody, child support, division of marital assets, matters related to paternity, and the issue of alimony. Our services are available in English and Spanish, and we offer budget-friendly rates that make our services affordable. Call our compassionate, friendly legal team today to schedule your free consultation and see what a difference hiring experienced lawyers can make. You can reach us by calling 863-622-9602 today!

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